The R & P Frankfurter.

Free smile with every bite.

Welcome to our range of pure beef Frankfurters – artisan, hot-smoked sausages, made from finely chopped beef and free from artificial additives, emulsifiers or preservatives.

Our award-winning frankfurters are quick and easy to prepare, so sit back and relax in the knowledge that you’re eating fantastically good fast food that’s completely natural.

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Exceptional taste, juicy with great bite
Organically certified
Long shelf-life, pre-cooked and easy to prepare – convenient in the fridge
High animal welfare and environmental care - Read More

Banging Furter

Our original flavour.
Pure organic beef, gently smoked
over beech and applewood.

Regular size (40g), available in packs of 6

Cheese Furter

Organic beef and a generous
helping of organic Gouda.
Meltingly delicious.

Regular size (40g), available in packs of 6

Frank Ferno

A seriously hot version of our
pure-beef frankfurter.
For chilli lovers only.

Regular size (40g), available in packs of 6

Curry Furter

The same quality as our original frankfurter, but with a gentle curry flavour added in.

Regular size (40g), available in packs of 6


Our original frankfurter
now comes twice as big,
for a Mighty fine treat

Regular size (80g), available in packs of 4

Frankfurter in beans

Our pure-beef Frankfurters
bring wonderful smokiness
to baked beans.
An explosion of flavour you won’t forget

Serves two, 400g.


How we make them

Rare and Pasture frankfurters taste superior to other hot dog-style sausages, and that’s because we’re purists when it comes to crafting them.

Under the guidance of our expert [master] charcutier, we finely chop our organic British beef to give each frankfurter its classic smooth texture. We then lightly season it with natural organic herbs and spices and put it into natural sausage casings. Then we smoke the sausages gently over beech and apple wood, the traditional way, to cook them and give a delicate, well-rounded flavour. The result is a truly delicious and juicy artisan sausage, made in the traditional way, and free from artificial preservatives, flavourings, and nitrates.

Our frankfurters are quick and easy to prepare, so sit back and relax in the knowledge that you’re eating fantastically good fast food that’s completely natural.

Frankfurters in a pan

Our frankfurters are also a perfect option for pubs and restaurants, and for larger parties and weddings – a gourmet meal made from top quality ingredients, but also pre-cooked and quick to prepare.
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To prepare

It’s easy. Put about half a centimetre of water and a knob of butter into a frying pan and place on medium heat. Add the frankfurter to the pan and cook for about six minutes until heated through, turning occasionally. Don’t let the water dry out. Alternatively, cover your frankfurter with a paper towel and heat on medium in a microwave, allowing 40 to 50 seconds for each sausage. Or prick the packet, place it in microwave and heat for 3 minutes to 3.5 minutes.

To serve

Place your Original pure Beef frankfurter into a brioche-style roll, add lightly cooked onions and tomato ketchup, then slather with whichever condiments get you salivating. We love Tracklements Strong horseradish cream, Smoky chilli sauce, and Sweet mustard ketchup. Also try black garlic or mushroom ketchup. Turn it into an instant meal by beefing it up with homemade slaw, pickled vegetables or leaves. Share the joy with friends and family.

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